
Another foundational exercise, the Down-Stand, is used to increase both a dog’s strength and stability. Much like the previous exercise, we want to start by teaching proper technique and performing the motions with controlled movement and good form.

  • To begin, we’ll have the dog placed in the down, sphinx position - which is where you want to have them down with their legs beneath and not rolled onto their hip.

  • Next, in a controlled manner, we want the dog to move into a stand position. When you view the dog from their side, the movement should resemble a lever like action.

A great way to build overall strength, the focus of this exercise is to have your dog get into the stand position in a very smooth and controlled manner - working those muscles without any leaning or interruption.

The Down-Stand is an important exercise for all dogs, but especially so in those that are looking to increase core-strength and plexibility.