A basic foundational exercise, the Sit-Stand, is used to increase both a dog’s strength and balance. We’ll start by first teaching the correct movements on the ground in order to focus on controlled movement and good form, and then as the dogs show improvement, we can add equipment to increase the benefits and gains.
To begin, we’ll have the dog placed in a square sit position - which is where you want to have them sitting with their legs beneath and not kicked out to either side.
Next, in a controlled manner, we want the dog move to move into a stand position with no movement in their front paws. All the action should be happening in the rear, where the hind legs kick-back smoothly into placing them in stand position.
A great way to build core-strength, the focus of this exercise is to have your dog get into the stand position in a very controlled manner, allowing the smooth, straight kick-back motion. In addition to building core strength, this exercise has also shown to increase strength in the dog’s hind end.
The Sit-Stand is an important exercise for all dogs, but especially so in those that are looking to increase rear-end strength and awareness. For example, dogs in active sports like Dog Agility may see improvements in their jumping ability and general mobility while on the course.