
To expand on our introduction in Part 101, we wanted to include a dedicated section that continued and further emphasize the seriousness of safety. When performing any exercise or training regimen, dog safety is always the most important consideration.

We’ve identified 3 early red flags that are signals for you stop immediately during training.

  1. If your dog begins to pant heavily.

  2. If your dog is attempting to leave the training area

  3. And finally, if your dog begins to perform any exercise with sudden sloppiness or weakness.

Safety extends after training as well - If your dog seems to be sore after a session, you should back off the intensity or repetitions of any exercise. Also being thoughtful to your dog specifically as it relates to training - for example, senior dogs will take more time to recover than younger dogs.

If there is any question if an exercise program is right for your dog, we stress that you consult a certified canine fitness trainer and/or veterinarian.